Our flagship initatives

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Headway 2023

Hadway is a European multidisciplinary platform for strategic reflection, analysis, dialogue and comparison between the different European experiences in the management of individuals with mental and neurological disorders.

  • A multidimensional picture of EU27+UK experiences in the management of individuals affected by mental disorders (Headway Mental Health Index)

  • A yearly-updated focus on Healthcare, Society, School and Work

  • A yearly event in Brussels to foster a European roadmap in Mental Health with multiple stakeholders in occasion of World Mental Health Day

The burden of mental health conditions is on the rise globally. Only in Europe, diverse forms of mental disorders affect nearly 40% of the total population annually, leading to premature mortality and impacting functioning and quality of life of both patients and their families. Especially since the pandemic anxiety and stress have increased significantly.

Implementing social, physical and mental health care policies should thus be a priority for the European Health Systems, in order to increase the access to an overall quality of care. Sharing local experiences and best practices in the mental health area is hence of paramount importance to optimize the framing, the diagnosis, the treatment and the necessary social integration of all patients.

In this context, Angelini Pharma activated the Headway initiative, in continuity and in coherence with programs, activities and plans of the World Health Organization and of international institutions and organizations.

In 2018 the project started in collaboration with the acclaimed Italian think tank The European House – Ambrosetti promoteíng mental health in all areas - in accordance with the recent "Health in All Policies" approach promoted by the European Union - encouraging the adoption of innovative pathways for diagnosis, treatment and social recovery.

On October 9th, 2019, Headway first 2-year journey came to conclusion with a high-level Forum hosted by the EU Parliament.

Following the need to increase the awareness on mental during these difficult times, in October 2020 Angelini Pharma – supported by The European House - Ambrosetti – realized the “Headway Mental Health Week”.

In 2021, the aim of Headway has been to continue working at sharing knowledge and know how to prevent, diagnose, manage, and find solutions that reduce the burden of mental conditions not only in the healthcare sectors, but also in workplaces, schools and society in general.

In 2022, the goal of "Headway" was to update the model of analysis (New "Headway - Mental Health Index") integrating a new area that is the environmental context. The latter takes into account both the environmental (e.g., pollution, climate, etc.) and the physical context (e.g., natural disasters, security, crime, etc.).

Here you can find further information about our project Headway.


By my Epilepside

On February 14th, 2022, on the occasion of the International Epilepsy Day, Angelini Pharma launched its first global communication and disease awareness campaign: #ByMyEpilepSide.

  • A global disease awareness campaign to raise awareness on epilepsy and its social consequences in occasion of International Epilepsy Day and Purple Day

  • Both emotional and informative content to learn about epilepsy and overcome stigma

  • Target: general public, people with epilepsy and their caregivers